Thursday, June 25, 2009

Why we must pay attention to what is happening around us

Chris Wallace of Parkville, Missouri must be stopped. This is a 50 year old man who cannot tell the truth. He is a con man of the worst kind. He preys on women who are intelligent, professional, attractive, and vulnerable. He puts down the previous woman to get the new woman. He makes women believe he is someone he is not.

Here are some facts:
1. 50 years old
2. no job or income of any kind
3. tells people he is the Managing Partner of Orion Environment. He sold this company to Tetra Tech over a year ago because he was making little to no money.
4. He went to work for Tetra Tech and was fired 4 months later for not doing his job.
5. He has paid very little, if any, child support in over 18 months.
6. His wife divorced him and he claims he did not know. How can you not know this??? He just did not show up to his court hearings.
7. He is currently in contempt of a court order to leave the home where he resides. He refuses to leave.
8. He tells people this is his home. It is not. It belongs in full to his ex-wife whom he has placed a restraining order against. Therefore, she cannot get into the home until a judge orders him out.
9. He has roommate(s) who pay rent. He has not paid any rent or mortgage in over 6 months. His ex-wife pays it. Therefore, he lives there FREE and has someone who is not authorized to reside there pay him.
10. He spends several hours a day at the YMCA. (How does he afford this?)
11. He owes the utility companies several hundred dollars.
12. He owes money to at least 4 attorneys---we're talking 1000's of dollars.
13. He has a car that is owned by his parents because he cannot get his own car. (wonder who pays for this car?)
14. He refuses to work for anyone else unless he is paid "$50,000 or more". I would think that ANY money is better than NO money. Maybe that is why he is known to work for cash...wonder if he pays taxes on this?
15. He spends hours on end on Facebook. Does he have the internet? How does he pay for this?
16. He has several allegations of domestic violence against him from multiple women.

Look into these. You certainly can find facts on your own. We did.
If you see him ask him how he can afford a car, internet, the YMCA, going to bars, and a cell phone, but cannot support his children or pay his rent.
We find it to be quite creepy.